Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Hi All! These are just some quick pics of Max hanging out this afternoon and his first video debut.
Sleeping while Dad watches the British Open (intently).

Working on those neck muscles with some tummy time.

And here it is ... Max just wanted to say "hi" to all of you.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Home Sweet Home

So here's a slideshow of our new house. I'm kind of embarrassed since it's not all put together. Oh well, that's going to take plenty of time to get things how I want them. This will just give you an idea of where we are. Enjoy! (The slideshow goes a little fast for the comments that I wrote, but I couldn't figure out how to slow down the slideshow - sorry - just be prepared for that.)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Yeah - We Have Smiles!

One of the greatest pleasures we've had since having Max is that he now returns smiles! We are constantly finding ourselves doing dumb stuff and babbling to get a response from him. Our poor dogs now get absolutely none of our attention and are probably wondering what's wrong with us. He started this about 2 weeks ago and it just gets better and better.

Max is 2 Months Old!

Well, here are some recent pictures of the little guy. Well, maybe he's not so little. He's up to 13 pounds (90th percentile) and 22 1/2 inches (only 50th percentile which was not was I was expecting with all his Dutch genes) according to his 2 month check-up yesterday. You'll see the dreaded 3-sided fireplace that literally stuck out right into the middle of our family room. Thank goodness Matt and my dad removed it!

Visitors in Ohio

We have been very fortunate to have family come out and help/see us here in Ohio. Matt's parents were here when we moved in and his mom, Linda, stayed a little longer. My dad, Jack, flew in from California for a week to help us get settled. Matt's sisters, Anna and Maria, were also out last weekend to see our new place.
With Grandma Linda before she headed back to Grand Rapids.
Checking out Grandpa Jack.
Chillin' with Auntie Maria and Auntie Anna.

Leaving Michigan

So, at the end of June our little house got packed up and loaded on a truck set for Ohio. We were sad to leave, but really enjoyed getting to see lots of people right before we left. Below are some pictures from some visits we had.
This last year there were 3 other gals that I had taught with that were pregnant too. Oh, the year of fertility! After school was out all 5 of the babies had to get together, so here they are. Max was the youngest and is the 2nd in from the right. If you're doing the math, you might have already figured that someone had to have had twins and you're right. The baby girl (the only girl in the bunch) in the red pants and her twin brother all the way on the right were the oldest at 4 months.
Here's Max with Jonathan. Jonathan's mom worked with Matt and they lived right by us in Brighton. They were nice enough to let us crash in on them for dinner our last night in Brighton. It allowed us to escape the maze (and smell) of boxes in our house. The movers had already packed up our house and had left us 2 chairs, our table, and bed as the only unpacked things (they even packed up our bathroom towels, but our really nice neighbors gave us some to borrow). Jonathan was super sweet with Max and really excited about holding him!

Then we went to Grand Rapids for the weekend. Here's Max on Grandma and Grandpa's kitchen counter after getting a bath.

Sucking on Great Grandma Soper's hand while they stopped over to see Max.

Sleeping away in Matt's cousin Lydia's arms. She sure was a good baby holder! Too bad we don't live close enough to get any babysitting from her or her sister, Elizabeth!