Sunday, August 17, 2008

Max is Three Months Old!

Well, we can hardly believe it, but Max is officially 3 months old as of yesterday! We are really enjoying seeing all the little progressions that happen every week. He still babbles and bats at his toys, but he's starting to grab some things now (keeping his hands more open) like my hair - joy, oh, joy. He'll roll from his tummy to his back, make bubbles with his spit, and definitely enjoys taking in new scenery. We've even had a few laughs this past week. Oh, and another thing that we've discovered (although I feel like an awful parent for having discovered this) is that Max has some Irwin genes in him yet - he'll watch and just get hooked on the tv. We've had the Olympics on so much in this last week that we discovered when we lay him on his play mat he'll hit at the toys, but try as hard as he can to watch the tv.
Max has gotten to meet lots of new people and be around lots of friends and family in the past week. He met his second cousin, Evie (Matt's cousin Randy's daughter), who is one month older than him. He also met Ethan who is about 2 months younger than him. Ethan is the son of some James and Kim, friends from Brighton. Last but not least, Max met Cadence who is the one-year-old daughter of Rob and Melissa, friends from Calvin who were out visiting from Washington. It's been exciting, and we're looking forward to our first plane ride and trip to California with Max this week for John and Natalie's wedding!

Here's Max doing some more "talking."

And here he is rolling over.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Playing Around

Max has been getting really interested in playing with things. He basically can just hit items around and likes to bring things to his mouth (if he can). He gets really focused on an item, but hasn't quite figured out how to open up those little hands and grab something. The last picture is another video clip of him.

He managed to get his fists on either side of this ball and then could bring it towards him ...

where he could try it out and see what it tasted like.

Preppy boy in Auntie LJ's outfit.

Flying high with Dad.

What is this?

Our 3 bambinos.

Matt was videotaping while I was talking to him.